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Welcome pack

Client goals

The Col·legi Official d’Infermeras i Infermers of Barcelona (COIB) guarantees compliance with good professional practice and the deontological obligations of the profession, the organization, representation and defense of the professional interests of its members, and ensures that professional activity is adapted to the general public interest and everything that affects health.

In order to offer a warm welcome to all its new members, the Col·legi d’Infermeres de Barcelona asks us for the industrial design, model and graphic production of a welcome pack.

CeGe Solution

With a cordial “Hola!”, this welcome pack greets each new member of the Col·legi.

It is a work created by CeGe professionals with the same care that nurses show every day. Our teams have created everything from the technical development of the box to the printing of the elements and the final handling.

Caja del pack de bienvenida del COIB con un saludo 'HOLA!' y el hashtag #infermeresdeBCN, diseñada para dar la bienvenida a nuevos miembros del Col·legi d’Infermeres de Barcelona.
Caja del pack de bienvenida del COIB con un saludo 'HOLA!' y el hashtag #infermeresdeBCN, diseñada para dar la bienvenida a nuevos miembros del Col·legi d’Infermeres de Barcelona
welcome pack sector salud CeGe
Welcome pack para col·legi-infermeres CeGe
col·legi-infermeres welcome pack CeGe
Welcome pack celebración col·legi-infermeres CeGe

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