Publication of travel guides
Client goals
APA is a specialized travel publisher, which covers more than 200 destinations each year, which publishes guides with high quality content for travelers, which are unique and contain inspiring images. They are recognized for their photographs, for their careful writing and for a deep understanding of history and culture. Both printed guides and electronic books are published. They are renowned for their photographs, careful writing and deep understanding of history and culture. They are specialised in the publication of travel guides as well as e-books.
Previously, the layout and editing were produced in APA manually in the graphic studio from Adobe InDesign, thanks to an internal team of four people and reinforcements from external designers. It was a process that lasted about nine days for each guide (almost half of the time was devoted to the manual application of the styles) and, in the end, once edited, they were sent to an external team that indexed the complex contents of each title. It was a process that took about nine days for each guide (almost half of the time was spent manually applying the styles) and, at the end, once they were edited, they were sent to an external team that indexed the complex contents of each title.
With the digital transformation, APA considered the edition of electronic books, but its content was not adapted to the new requirements, since there was no homogeneous base of layout and style because it was a very manual process: to pass all the files one by one Adobe InDesign to another format was a tedious and complex task.
The management considered modifying the process, with four objectives: halving production time, developing a consistent style, facilitating the reuse of contents and being able to create electronic books internally.
CeGe Solution
Typefi was installed, including its standard modules for automatic labeling.
The new templates were developed and the team was trained and in just three months APA was editing its first collections under the new process.
The production time has been reduced by half.
The new approach of homogeneous styles allows to reuse the basic layout of a content for the following, without starting from scratch in each new title. The indexing time has been drastically reduced thanks to this Typefi functionality. Indexing time has been drastically reduced thanks to this Typefi functionality.
Electronic books are now produced internally, in parallel and automated to have output in several languages, as well as with printed books, as part of the workflow.