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Commemorative book

Client goals

The Federació Catalana de Fotografía (FCF) has created a book to commemorate its 40th birthday and has asked us for a high quality print.

To create this tribute, the works of those who have received a distinction from the Federació over the years have been published, in recognition of their efforts and involvement with the project.

The Federació is a world pioneer in the way it awards its distinctions: it does not only recognise awards won in competitions, but also those won by exhibiting photographs, publishing them in print media and sharing photographic knowledge through training.

CeGe Solution

At CeGe we have put our specialists in the graphic production of prestigious books at the service of this work.

The photographs, of great technical and artistic quality, maintain the character and spirit with which their creators intended them.

The challenge in such projects is to be very faithful to the concept of the authors (photographers) and to convey it with great reliability.

Commemorative book cover cege
Commemorative book fcf 40 years
open commemorative book CeGe
Commemorative book CeGe Global

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