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High quality photo book

Client goals

Dry Martini wanted to pay tribute to the photographer María Espeus, and that is why they asked us to produce a premium top-quality graphic book.

“Hello, Barcelona” recovers the 165 portraits that María Espeus made in 1982 of some of the most representative people of cultural modernity of that time.

This work was presented in its emblematic venue with the attendance of some representatives of the cultural, artistic and political world of that time and today.

CeGe Solution

The production of this book has required the experience and high demands of CeGe professionals, with a high level of resolution and great attention to detail throughout the process. A great deal of pre-press work has been done with image retouching to obtain a uniform result in the style of the original photographic portrait of María Espeus: wonderful photos with a minimalist black and white style that we have reproduced on full page.

Libro fotográfico 'Hola, Barcelona' con retratos en blanco y negro de María Espeus, edición de alta calidad producida por CeGe. Incluye 165 retratos de figuras culturales de los años 80 en una cuidada impresión.
Contraportada del libro 'Hola, Barcelona' con una lista de nombres destacados y un diseño minimalista en amarillo. Edición de homenaje a la fotógrafa María Espeus, con retratos icónicos de la modernidad cultural.

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