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CeGe and 

CeGe and 

We are reducing our own environmental impact as well as those of our clients

Our commitment is to make our printing and communication projects more sustainable. We continuously invest in ecological technologies, materials and processes to accompany our clients in their CSR policies with the environment and the SDGs.

Ecovadis has recognized our excellence in sustainability by awarding us the “Gold Medal”, which positions us among the 5% of companies with the best score worldwide.

CeGe and the Sustainable Development Goals


Responsible production and consumption: We use raw materials from sustainable sources and environmentally friendly printing technologies.

We only work with suppliers that meet strict sustainability criteria, in order to multiply the positive impact.

We offer solutions that enable global companies to print locally through our network.

We help companies integrate sustainability information into their corporate communications.

We reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

We innovate digital solutions in processes and communication elements.


Climate action: Pioneers in Europe to implement eco-friendly LED-UV offset printing which has the lowest carbon footprint and reduces energy consumption.

Eco-print technology is 100% free of mercury and ozone, which are two of the biggest pollutants in the industry.


Life of terrestrial ecosystems: We print with ecologically approved papers that guarantee the protection of forests, an essential action to curb climate change.

The Chain of Custody Certificate SGSCH-COC-005193, guarantees that the raw materials have been produced with resources from forests that are managed under social and environmental standards.

We have the Certificate of Good Practices that is awarded to companies that are committed to carrying out an appropriate environmental management policy.

Sustainable good practices that set us apart

Choice of eco-approved paper

ECF: paper whose pulp has been ecologically bleached with the Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) technique, without using organic chlorine derivatives (which cause environmental damage).

FSC®: the Forest Stewardship Council® certifies that products come from environmentally and socially responsible sources.

PEFC: protects forest ecosystems by promoting sustainable forest management.

-> Learn more about eco-printing

Digital transformation as a lever for improving sustainability

Print Management allows you to manage all the company’s printed elements from a digital platform. With this, the quantities are adjusted to what is strictly necessary and the stocks of printed materials disappear.

Local production and consumption or KM0 allow significant savings in environmental costs (CO2 emissions). Thanks to digitalisation and our network of approved printers, it is now possible to print communication and POS elements at destination.

The possibility of substituting printed materials for digital supports can be a more sustainable option in many elements, such as commercial presentations, annual reports or catalogues. In each project we adapt the content to online and offline formats, seeking the most balanced mix.

Sostenibilidad y transformación digital CeGe

Print Management allows you to manage all the company’s printed elements from a digital platform. With this, the quantities are adjusted to what is strictly necessary and the stocks of printed materials disappear.

Local production and consumption or KM0 allow significant savings in environmental costs (CO2 emissions). Thanks to digitalisation and our network of approved printers, it is now possible to print communication and POS elements at destination.

The possibility of substituting printed materials for digital supports can be a more sustainable option in many elements, such as commercial presentations, annual reports or catalogues. In each project we adapt the content to online and offline formats, seeking the most balanced mix.

Sostenibilidad y transformación digital CeGe

We hold some of the strictest certifications which are proof of our efforts to respect and protect the environment.

Sello Medalla de oro EcoVadis

EcoVadis Gold Medal

Certificación sostenibilidad Ambiental CeGe

Certificate of Good Environmental Practices

Logo de la certificación FSC

FSC® Chain of Custody Certification

Logo de la certificación PEFC

PEFC Chain of Custody Certification

Certificación ISO 12647 CeGe

ISO 12647 Certification

Gestión e identificación de riesgos ambientales

Environmental risk identification and management

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