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Corporate publication design and edition service: Corporate Web

Client goals

The Barcelona Graduate School of Economics is a training center for graduate economists for world-class masters. The center has been located in its eight years of existence among the five best in Europe.

The main objective was to improve the visibility, exposure value of the courses offered to potential students, updating the graphical presentation and articulating the discourse of a closer and more continuous mode. This improvement and the combination of the message and the image of the school run your audience should ultimately contribute to the effectiveness of the main Barcelona GSE commercial channel.

CeGe Solution

A project divided into three phases took place: a first analysis of all communication elements Barcelona GSE, on and off-line, and a web benchmarking of training centers globally reputed economy more.

The second phase started from these to make the proposed communication, and establish the architecture of content and graphic presentation. In parallel a deep and detailed technical document which would allow to choose the best content management system upon which to build the website was done.

The third construction phase, in which the programming of the website was done following the guidelines established in the previous phase of conceptualization and definition.

We have language-based open software Drupal and tapped their full potential. The project, in its three phases, was carried out in 10 months.

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